Tuesday, 22 June 2021


When your mind does none stop driving you from one thing into another leaving you exhausted, STOP and DANCE!

One of my favourites lately:

I am that I am by Peter Tosh

I'm not in this world
To live up to your expectations
Neither are you here to live up to mine, yeah
I don't owe no one
No obligation
No, I don't mean none
So everything is fine, fine
I said, I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
Don't underestimate
My ability
Don't definite my character
Don't belittle my authority
It's time you recognized my quality
I said, I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I said, I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
Learn to love
To love your brother
Don't covet your neighbour
Flee from the city
It's getting shitty
It is full of out-a-quity
I said, I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am that I am
I am, I am, I am
I am the rock of the ages
You cannot move I at all
I am the son of lightning
You cannot move I at all
Son of Jacob
Cannot move me at all
I am the son of Moses
You can't move I at all
I am the son of David
You cannot move I at all
I am a firm ripe diamond
You cannot move I at all
You could a shed more tears
You cannot move I at all
You could a full of evil
You cannot move I at all
You could a try more nuttin'
You cannot move I at all
And you can try make a something
That can't move I at all
And could a come with ism
You can't move I at all
And could come with skism
That can't move I at all
Songwriters: Peter Tosh


Sunday, 20 June 2021

Mindful Crochet - Rutina para la mañana (Español)

Las rutinas saludables no necesitan ser largas, actos simples que te hacen sonreír pueden ser realmente poderosos.

A veces no tengo tiempo para pasar toda la mañana tejiendo. Sin embargo, siento la necesidad de hacerlo antes para empezar un día lleno de responsabilidades.

He descubierto que tomar solo un poco, incluso si es solo un minuto, me ayuda a pasar el día con facilidad, sintiéndome más tranquila, con los pies en la tierra y más positivo.

Utilizo Crochet ya que es mi favorito, pero supongo que podrías aplicarlo a otras habilidades.

Simplemente tomo un proyecto que ya comencé, así sé qué puntadas usar y no tengo que pensar ni contar en absoluto, ¡solo coser!

Entonces empiezo a concentrarme solo en lo que está sucediendo entre mis manos. Miro cómo se mueven mis manos, cómo entra y sale la aguja, el color del hilo ... Todavía puedo escuchar a mi perro caminar y oler el café, pero mi atención está completamente en lo que está sucediendo en este momento con los objetos físicos que tengo en mis manos.

Empiezo a tomar conciencia de mi respiración, ¿es lenta, rápida, profunda? y sin juzgarlo, simplemente lo observo, le sonrío.

Disfruto jugando con mi respiración y el ritmode las puntadas. Esto me ayuda a mantener la concentración y me recuerda que, sea lo que sea con lo que no me sienta feliz, puedo cambiarlo de una manera lúdica, disfrutando el proceso y haciéndolo divertido.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Crochet inspired by Bowler Hat.

Here, the written pattern for this quick and easy crochet inspired by Bowler hat.

Hoping that you enjoy as I do. This project is simple but very therapeutic as you will work in Circles. Also, does not involve a lot of counting so... you can just stitch and relax :)

Circles are an Universal Symbol. They mean wholeness, unity an inclusion, the cycle of life and the seasons. Perfection. They also remind us about nurturing, eternity and timeless.

Working in rounds is calming and peaceful, I believe, because we start and end circles which are a natural geometrical forms of life itself.

STITCHES (UK terminology)

You will need to know how to start working in rounds, treble crochet, half treble, double crochet and slip stitch.

if you need help


I am using a rescued acrylic, nylon and wool yarn.

A 5.5mm crochet hook


Wool needle to wave ends.


We are going to work in rounds. The first chain stitches of each round are not count as a stitch. Starting with a round of 12treble crochet followed by three rounds increasing, will give us a total of 48 stitches.  Then continue for 10 more rounds with 1 treble crochet (tr) per stitch. To end we will make a round of half treble (htr) and a round of double crochet (dc). In total 16 rounds. Each round is closed with a slip stitch (slst).

Start: make a magic ring or chain circle.

1- chain 3 and work 12tr inside circle.

2- First round of increasing. Ch3 + 2tr in same stitch. Continue 2tr in each stitch all way around. Close the round with a slst in the 4th chain from beginning. Total of 24 stitches.

3- Second round increasing. Ch3 + 2tr in same stitch. Continue (1tr in next stitch, 2tr in next) all way around. Close the round with a slst in the 4th chain from beginning. Total of 36 stitches.

4- Third round inc. Ch3 + 2tr in same stitch. Continue (1tr in next stitch, 1tr in next, 2tr in next) all way around. Close the round with a slst in the 4th chain from beginning. Total of 48 stitches.

5 – 14 – Ch3 + 1tr in same stitch. Continue 1tr in each stitch all way around. Close the round with a slst in the 4th chain from beginning. Total of 48 stitches.

15- Ch2 + 1htr in same stitch. Continue 1htr in each stitch all way around. Close the round with a slst in the 3th chain from beginning. Total of 48 stitches.

16- Ch1 + 1dc in same stitch. Continue 1dc in each stitch all way around. Close the round with a slst in the 2th chain from beginning. Total of 48 stitches.

Fasten off and wave ends

Enjoy your hat!


Thursday, 3 June 2021

Tear Drop Dreamcatcher Hoops

I do love making my own Hoops as they involve to get out the house and get into the woods!

I pick up branches that has fallen or they have been cut from trees but they are still green. If they are too dry the stick will snap when we bend it to create our hoop.

Then clean the leaves and parts that you won´t need and grab a bit of wire.

Now put both ends of the stick together forming a loop! And hold them with wire. That is!
Easy-peasy pet!

Crochet Pattern. Boobs

  Crochet pattern Boobs IN HONOR OF ALL WOMEN FIGHTING BREAST CANCER Level: Advanced Beginner. Easy Terminology: UK Size : 7cm apox. Stitc...